School rules

  1. The school reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, or relocate classes based on enrollment and teacher availability.
  2. Instruction begins at 9:30 am. Parents/guardians are to ensure child/ren arrive at school on time. In the event that a student must arrive late or leave early, please notify your child/ren’s teacher and the board via email.
  3. Parents/guardians are responsible for any personal and property damage caused by negligent or willful behavior of their child/ren.
  4. Students will behave respectfully toward teachers, staff, peers, and school property. 
  5. Running or loitering in the hallways, entering restricted areas, leaving school property, and using cell phones during class are not permitted.
  6. Students who engage in disruptive behavior, with no remediation after 3 warnings and a parent meeting, may be dismissed from the school with no refund of tuition. 
  7. Parents/guardians are responsible for staying up to date on school communications regularly sent out through email, posted on the WhatsApp Community, school website, or sent home directly with students.
  8. To ensure safety of children and in line with the building policy, parents/guardians are not allowed inside the school buildings unless they are acting as approved volunteers for the school. 
  9. Outside of volunteering events, communication with teachers and/or administration should be conducted through email. If necessary, a telephone or in-person meeting may be scheduled outside of class time.
  10. Ensure that child/ren come to school with proper attire and footwear. No sandals, open toe shoes, crocs, or other footwear that could fall off or result in injury during dance class.
  11. Provide a water bottle and snack that children will have during a scheduled snack break. 
  12. Provide the necessary school supplies for child/ren. A list will be emailed by the teacher prior to the first day of class. Label all items (backpacks, jackets, water bottles, pencil boxes, folders, etc.)


  1. Drop off shall be within the hours of 9:15 am to 9:30 am in the designated area.
  2. In an event of tardiness at time of the drop-off please contact the board through email or Whatsapp Community so that your child can be escorted to their classroom.
  3. Long term parking on church premisses is prohibited
  4. Pick up shall be within hours of 12:30 pm to 12:45 pm in the designated area.
  5. Arrival for carpool pickup after 12:45 pm will result in a fine of $1.00 per minute.
  6. Please do not arrive at school for pick up earlier than 12:15 pm. 
  7. In case of multiple unexcused late pickup events, or failure to pay the late fees, the Board of Directors reserves the right to institute further actions including, but not limited to, suspension and/or expulsion.

Krasnoludki and Biedronki

  1. Children in the Krasnoludki and Biedronki groups will not be dropped off via carpool. Parents/Guardians are responsible for walking their children to and from the classroom.
  2. Parents/Guardians are not required to participate in the group; however, parents who volunteer to stay should help the children actively participate in class and not distract the children or teacher (e.g. by socializing and side-conversations with other parents). 

Illness Policy

  1. It is vital that the school personnel have accurate contact information and up to date health information on allergies or other medical conditions for your child/ren. Please provide this at the start of the school year to your child’s teacher and update as applicable during the school year.
  2. To prevent the spread of communicable disease, child/ren exhibiting signs of illness, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, flu or Covid-19-like symptoms, should not be sent to school.
  • Fever – if your child requires fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin to maintain a normal temperature, they should not be at school. Please do not send your child to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours (without the use of medicine).
  • Vomiting/Diarrhea – if a student has had vomiting and/or diarrhea in the past 24 hours, please keep them home.
  • Strep Throat – students may attend school 24 hours after starting antibiotics.
  • Red, Swollen, Inflamed Eyes – conjunctivitis (pink eye) is highly contagious. Students may attend school only after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment for bacterial conjunctivitis.
  1. In case of illness at school, parent/s will be contacted to pick up their child/ren within one hour from contact.
  2. Teachers and school personnel are not able to administer medication.
  3. I agree for my child/children to be given first aid in the event of an emergency during school hours, including calling an ambulance.

Release and Authorization of Likenesses and Works Policy

Parents and/or Guardians agree to the following Release and Authorization of Likenesses and Works for the purpose of this policy:  

  • Likeness(es) are photographs, video, music and/or audio real time broadcasts and/or recordings, interviews and any combination thereof; and 
  • Work(s) are academic and/or creative works created on request and/or under the supervision of,  or otherwise bestowed to the Polish School of Charlotte, including, but not limited to, real-time art performances of any kind. 

I do consent to the creation and use of my and/or the registered student’s likeness(es) and/or work(s), as deemed fit by the Polish School of Charlotte, in perpetuity, anywhere. I understand and agree that no monies or other consideration in any form, including reimbursement for any expenses, will become due to me and/or the registered student, our heirs, agents, or assigns at any time because of the creation and/or use of the likeness(es) and/or creative work(s). I agree to release and hold harmless the Polish School of Charlotte, its members, trustees, agents, officers, contractors, volunteers and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, complaints, suits or other forms of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of, or be caused by the use of the likeness(es) and/or work(s), including, but not limited to, any claim based on allegation of copyright infringement.